Two reasons why so many people love holiday parks

22 November 2021
 Categories: , Blog


Here are two reasons why so many people love holiday parks and why you might enjoy this accommodation, too.

You have the freedom to stay as close or as far away from other people as you wish

One of the issues with staying in a motel or hotel is that you don't have a say in how close your room is to the hotel's other occupants. This means that if you happen to book a room beside some rowdy partygoers, you can end up spending the holiday enduring lots of sleepless nights. Furthermore, even if you ask the hotel's management to move you to another room, there is no guarantee that you won't be placed next to another group of noisy or inconsiderate holidaymakers.

However, holiday parks are different, in that you have a lot more freedom, in regard to the distance between your tent or motorhome and the tents or motorhomes of other visitors. If you park beside some people who you find are a bit too loud, you can always request a new spot in the holiday park that is somewhat secluded. Unless you visit during peak times when the park is jampacked, you'll find that the holiday park management will usually be able to find you a quieter spot if you ask for it. 

In contrast, if you befriend some other people at the park and would like to hang out with them more, you also have the option of moving your motorhome or tent next to theirs, if there is a free space. Having the freedom to move around and the option to stay in a secluded area if you want to can allow you to navigate any surprises during your holiday (like coming across noisy neighbours or making new friends) much more easily.

You can have an amazing variety-filled holiday without stepping foot outside the park

Another wonderful thing about holiday parks that attracts so many tourists to them is that they allow you to have an active holiday, doing a variety of things, without ever having to step foot outside the park area if you don't feel like it.

This is because, in contrast to hotels and motels, which usually only have one or two basic amenities like a gym and a pool, many holiday parks have a large variety of amenities, such as go-kart tracks, golf courses, games rooms, day spas and playgrounds, which can keep your entire family entertained, even if each individual in your group has different interests. Being able to enjoy lots of activities close to your holiday accommodation can be a godsend if you have mobility issues, have young kids who get impatient or tired when you drive or go on public transport with them, or if you simply don't enjoy driving during your holidays.

Start reaching out to lodgings in your vacation area to find holiday accommodations.