Turn your wedding into a getaway by crashing at your reception venue!

18 January 2017
 Categories: , Blog


There are few more exciting days in your lifetime than your wedding day. Countless hours and days go into planning the big event and then it all seems to fly by with such ferociously exciting speed. Drawing every last moment of enjoyable memory from the occasion is important as you try to soak in the scale of how a wedding shifts your life. When the time comes for the wedding reception to end it doesn't have to be the end of your celebration.

The hunt for the perfect wedding reception venue includes a seemingly insurmountable number of permutations to consider but one that is becoming increasingly important is the time allowed for the event. While most venues will operate a wedding reception somewhere in the vicinity of five to six hours, there are ways you can get even more time out of your stay at the venue.

Instead of traipsing around between the ceremony and reception, consider having them at the same place. Many venues will offer designated areas for each which are separated well, making each feel like it is in a different locality. It also means it's one less entity you have to deal with when organising the meticulous details of the event.

Perhaps the most important thing you can do when attempting to postpone the end of your wedding night is to find a wedding venue that also offers overnight hotel facilities as part of their package. While some venues will have their own on-site accommodation which they can offer as a part of the package, those that don't will often have a partner hotel which whom they do business where they can get you affordable accommodation for the night should you have your wedding at their venue.

This luxury doesn't just cover the bridge and groom, either. The bridal party and even select wedding guests can have similar arrangements made to stay at an accommodation organised by the venue.

Organising things in this fashion comes with a raft of benefits, some more obvious than others, which can include, but are not limited to:

1. Stress-free planning - If it's just one less thing that you have to call and organise and worry about as the day gets closer and closer, that's surely a win.

2. A comfortable night - Weddings can be tiring, as much fun as they are, and knowing you've got a ready-and-waiting room and bed to relax and continue the fun is as much a comfort to the mind as it will be to the body.

3. Safety - Weddings can often (but, of course, not always) involve copious amounts of liquid courage (alcohol), which is all well and good until people start to head home. Having somewhere nearby and easy to access to stay at keeps people who shouldn't be on the roads at bay and thereby ensures the safety of themselves as well as everyone on the road around them.

4. Memories - A wedding is all about creating a suite of beautiful memories for the life ahead to come, and a perfect night shouldn't have to end at the reception. A comfortable transition from the wedding night into the first day as a married couple can be just a good a memory as the night itself.

Weddings. You're (hopefully) only going to do it once, so why not do it right?